24 November 2013

From the day you hold my hands..

Untitled Document

The special moments in life,  they are unforgettable, Like the first crush,first love,  first breakup, first proposal, first child..I wrote this poem on such an occasion.
Though so ordinary, yet special to me.
------------------------------Skip this part if you aren't feeling racist enough---------------------------
In India- probably First slap, First and Only Marriage.!(In India proposals are abundant and a possible crime... and cute girls usually have more brother-like friends than girls who doesn't look that well (I avoided term "Ugly" on purpose ). Still trying to figure that phenomenon out.. may be 'Brotherzoned' )
----------------------------PS. I Love INDIA, Its some Indians I don't like-------------------------
I am a skeptic yet secretly romantic,Also a fan of Open source! so feel free to send it to someone special if you feel to, even editing is all right! probably the first open source poem FOSP!

From the day you hold my hands

From the day you hold my hands again, you should know.
I would never let you go.
Even in pain or in any sorrow, you should know,
you will have me to hold on to.

People will vanish and switch sides you see?
Never should it bother you, since I will stay with thee.

While you swim in the lakes,
or run through the pastures or grounds,
I shall keep you safe from the gators or hounds.

And wen you get bored of the reading book I baught
you can lay in my arms to sleep.
You can curl up on my side,
watching the rain or the stars on that chilly night.
I shall keep you warm till the sun shines bright.

Your smile shall be my prized possession,
my heart even in such pain,
feels such joy
sometimes you are the only thing I enjoy.
And for your laughter, I shall die for it.
Your little hands, so sweet and soft when felt,
brought my heart of stone to melt.
What will love think if i keep it from you?
Should love feel like a storm or a drizzle?
It shall rain on to you and you alone.
Oh yes,it is true, my love is pure and it is changing me.
Like the Beauty turning the beast to a handsome prince.
You need not kiss anymore frogs to find the real prince,
just hold my hands and kiss me once.
I shall make you cry only with the tears of joy.
The true joys and bliss are yours to be.
Once in your life you will see, all the places you wanted to see.
I will walk with thee, tell stories of wonderlands that one finds,
from the day you hold my hands..

23 November 2013

Everything is perfect with its own imperfections..! And you are everything..!

This is the first blog that I am writing as myself. So do feel free to correct me, give suggestions or express your own views to me, I love to hear people and I will always value good thoughts.
"Spelling Nazis", and "Grammar Nazis" are welcomed too.

This is a small incident that occurred during the last week of October 2013.
I was working with an arts workshop on denim conducted by the Levis. One among the participating girls  painted her own hand and tried to imprint it on the denim piece, however the attempt on first cloth piece was a failure and it looked like a person with six fingers imprinted it.Well, she left it away and tried to do it better on the next denim piece. That denim cloth that she rejected however caught my interest. I added theses words to the cloth "Everything is perfect, with its own imperfection and you are everything".
( YES she was cute and She was pretty much impressed and all,  but that is another story.. ;) )

The idea of these very words have haunted me for a long time. The idea of being perfect is ideal.
There is nothing absolutely "Perfect". The idea of perfection is just imagination. Any thing on closer inspection or understanding can be understood to be imperfect. Doesn't seem right? Let me explain. Now imagine the most smoothest surface that we know! Say a billiard cue ball! Now imagine the smoothness of it on a billiards table! Pretty smooth huh? But think microscopically now, the surface of both cue ball and the table are full of crevices and irregularities! If you can't imagine, just believe me! It is so!

Now think of the best person you know!I am sure there would be at least a handful of bad traits that they have, at least in most microscopic levels. But we just ignore the roughness as long as we don't feel or see it.
So even the most perfect thing has imperfections! Say take Mahathma Gandhi for instance, he is considered as the father of the nation in India! But there are/were people who strongly opposed him. I would say he wore no executive outfits during meetings, he had no six pack, no hair, no teeth! But still he turned out to be an awesome person than most people in India, may be even the World admire!

But when you think of it, the reverse is also true.! isn't it? I mean, Consider the worst person you know!
There might be at least a handful good qualities that he/she would have! Say if we consider Hitler! Some say he was a terrible person! but others say he was a great leader, a great orator, he had a great mustache etc..
Whoever it might be, what ever they might do, they will have at least some qualities in them.
If you think of a "douche bag person" and try to find the positive traits in them, that might take some practice!

There is a little bit badness in every good thing, and there is a little bit of goodness in everything bad too. So why don't we consider everything good and perfect?  Everything is perfect because nothing is. When we don't see the imperfections we naturally won't make a big deal out of it and consider it perfect.

For people who believe in karma, Food for thought :
Haven't we always wanted someone to acknowledge us and consider us as perfect, even though we had a load of imperfections,or at least wanted to be accepted well even with the imperfections we have?
Now why not we donate this feeling to others? Saying "Everything is perfect with its own imperfection, And you are everything !".